
Twitter Tools

Twitter tools number in the thousands, but picking out the ones that work for you takes some effort.  Below are a few of the Twitter tools that I recommend. Twitter Searching twitoria– Unfollow people who have not posted a tweet in week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 6 months or a year. tweetbeep –
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My Comments Were Not Posting on WordPress Blogs due to Akismet Spam Protection

I began to notice that my blog comments were not posting on the blogs that I visited. I went through a series of excuses in my mind after each failure to post my finely crafted comment.  I thought; What a lame website Did I click cancel instead of submit? Is CoComment “doing something” here? Is
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Google’s First Meetup in Boston – Cambridge really

If you are reading this to learn Google secrets, there aren’t any here.  If you are interested in learning about the flavor of the March, 2009 Google Meetup in Cambridge and some of the people I ran across, read on. 567 Massachusetts Avenue – The Enormous Room Lovely space for a meetup.  Long room with
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Drupal in IE6 browser shows blank white screen of death, WSOD

How the IE6 beast was tamed There is no immunity to the folly of Internet Explorer 6.   You can even find a website devoted to the demise of IE6.  JBS Partner’s first Drupal project fell victim to IE6.  After the brand new website went live, we learned that the majority of the client’s visitors
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The Dell Latitude E6500 is a Champ

The Toshiba Satelite M35X-161 laptop served me well over the last four years. But the Celeron 1.3 GHz CPU has not been keeping up with me lately.  I needed more horse-power. Enter the Dell Latitude E6500.

WordPress strips / removes blank lines while I add empty lines

Line spacing in paragraphs plays in important usability role. Just like with happy couples, closeness shows that content is related. When paragraphs and headings are equidistant it is harder for the reader to know what is related to what. The WordPress editor will strip out br and p tags that it decides are redundant. WordPress
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