Hubspot, author of WebSite Grader, sponsored a webinar with Paul Gillin, author of The New Influences – A Marketers Guide to the New Social Media. Here is a story of business engagement. Engaging the audience and developing a conversation. I asked a simple question of the presenter, which was asked and answered by the speaker
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UPA Boston offers Page Titles and “You are Here” best practices from Steve Krug
“You are here” indicators. We get this phrase from maps, according to Steve Krug, who was the keynote speaker last night at the Usability Professional Association (UPA) Boston meeting, held at Olin College of Engineering. Chris Hass, chapter President and Usability Consultant at Bentley College presided over the meeting and quickly introduced Steve Krug, author
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Modern In-bound Marketing Press Releases
Yesterday Mike Volpe over at HubSpot ran another great webinar, this one on Press Releases. I am impressed with how much focused content he provided. I learned a lot. Here are the points that I noted. I use PR, press release and news release pretty interchangeably here. He began by establishing the benefit of a
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Technorati profile
Here is my technorati profile URL Technorati Profile And MyBlogLog Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification And Bloglines ckey=”4ED64CEB”
You want a web site? Here is what you will need, and more.
Wondering what’s needed to start your own web site? Thinking that a website will benefit your business? Here are the components of getting a web site on the Internet. Here is a quick summary. Define your purpose and target audience Domain Name Hosting Web Site design images text functionality Key Word Research Link Building Internet
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Twitter – Compare Followers, Friends Following and Not
You are following friends, friends are following you, but who got left out? Ever want to compare who is following and who is not? Twitter Toolbox is the answer A nifty Firefox (and Flock) plugin that adds a sidebar with three tabs. Compare Twitter followers and following in three ways Who are you following, that
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Our Guide to…Domain Names
Here you will find information on selecting, purchasing, managing and profiting from domain names. Good News. The exciting world of domainers lies ahead.
Domain Names for sale
Below is a list of domain names along with the date of registration. A few domains are interesting, many were inherited. Most of these domain names are parked at Fabulous for now. Miscellaneous www.CORONASINGLES.COM 26-Nov-2004 – 110 global monthly searches www.CUSTOMPIZZABOX.COM 19-Sep-2006 – 880 global monthly searches www.DRYCLOTHES.COM 22-Sep-2006 – 90.5k global monthly searches www.ALLAMERICANHOMEIMPROVEMENT.COM
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How to add a tracking code to your WordPress blog
On a typical web site, tracking code is added to the index.html page. However, WordPress is structured differently. Here is one way to add tracking codes to your WordPress blog. FTP (I prefer FileZilla) to your hosting account. Download the header.php file. Navigate to the file location: Your path may look like this /public_html/wp-content/themes/<your theme’s
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How to modify .htaccess to resolve index.php and non-www to www in WordPress
Editing the .htaccess file, for those of you that don’t host on a Windows server, can be tricky. Goals: Canonicalize the URLs. I chose over because it is what people expect, it is easier to type and I like it. Others may choose to drop the www before the domain name. Apply the
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