Stop scaring off Twitter followers and invite them to follow you with a well thought out Twitter profile.
Generally when you follow someone on Twitter they will either follow you automatically or investigate you and then decide.
Let’s look at some ways to configure your profile to encourage people to follow you, rather than scaring them off.
Here is an image of my Twitter profile for reference.

Twitter Profile Sidebar
People are looking for something in common, something specific, or something entirely different from what they are accustomed to. If you don’t fill in this information, then visitors have less information to make a good decision (which would be to follow you).
Name: Extra points for a real name that seems authentic. Someone that hides thier identity makes me suspicious.
Location: I have a certain affinity for certain locations. I also just feel better knowing where in the world someone is. Sometimes knowing it is well past bedtime in that part of the world is useful.
Web: Link to your website, blog, or your account on Linkedin, MySpace, FaceBook or where ever people can find out more about you.
Bio: This is an important area with 160 characters to fully utilize. Let people get to know you, find something in common, discover an interesting fact about you. Provide as many details as you can. Have a sense of humor if you like.
This is another important source of information for the potential visitor. It is best to try and keep the Following and Followers numbers relatively similar. You don’t have to follow everyone, but if the ratio gets beyond 5 to 1 or even up to 10 to 1 people will assume that you are a spammer using a robot to follow new people really fast. That’s not good.
Twitter is about the conversation. No on wants or expects a conversation with a spammer or robot.
Following: Follow as many or as few as you like. This is not a contest with prizes for the highest numbers.
Followers: Do your best to maintain some semblance of balance between Followers and Following
Favorites: Real people favorite a few updates.
Updates: Once you start keep at it. A profile with one update is not that appealing. Keep at it over a few days and fill up a page on a variety of subjects that interest you.
Potential followers will also read a few of your updates and scan the Following avatars to see what is going on or not going on in your account.
Complete the About section with useful information so that people can get to know you and will engage you in conversation.
Don’t look like a spambot by following a thousand people on the first night you open your account. Take your time. It’s not that far from real life here. You have to open up a little to start the conversation.
See you on Twitter @fairminder
If you like this article, please see my Twitter article that was first seen on High Rankings Advisor – Is Twitter for the Birds? A Tweet Tweet Tutorial It makes a business case for Twitter.
What suggestions do you have to improve a Twitter profile?
Thank you for your profile suggestions. I am just getting started and needed insight on how to attract people as I blog.
So many answers to what I have been wondering about. Off now to edit my Profile. Thanks.
Very succinct advice! Less snarky than I would have written it, too. 😉 I can say though, if you only follow a few people then don’t expect it to be a constant flow of activity. The more you follow, the more chances you have to engage which can translate into a more fun experience. 🙂
Robin, Thanks for stopping by.
People say that at the start you need to reach 120 to 150 active follower/following before you start to see the benefit of Twitter. I agree.
At the moment people with tens of thousands of followers are starting to think lower numbers are better for engagement. This after the race to the top.
The point is to ignore the numbers for the most part and do what allows you to give and to get what you want from Twitter. 😉
Thanks so much for your clear explanations, Jim! I think I’m finally starting to get it. Twitter isn’t quite such a mystery to me any longer!
Hey Chris, that’s awesome. I have a few other articles here that might also help you “get it”. Just search for Twitter on the blog here. I had a good friend in college with the same name. 😉
BTW keep up the good site.
Excellent article. Respect the author.
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